Bergen County Partnership Dispute Lawyer

Your Bergen County, NJ partnership dispute lawyer can answer your questions and walk you through your dispute, while also steering you clear of major pitfalls. Dealing with a partnership dispute can be challenging, especially if your business is on the line. Fortunately, you can count on the team at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.. With plenty of experience in business disputes of all kinds – and over 40 years of practice to back us up, we’re ready to use our legal knowledge and experience to help you. Read on to get a better look at partnership disputes, and contact us today to get started.

Partnership Agreements

Some companies are too big for one person to handle. Or, there may be many facets to a business, requiring equal input from multiple partners. Whatever the case, a partnership agreement will outline the rights and responsibilities of every partner. These partnership agreements are important documents to have, not only for the day-to-day operations of your company, but for reference in case any partners have disputes or disagreements.

Reasons For Partnership Disputes

When you consider all the stressors that come with managing or maintaining a business, it’s easy to see why partnership disputes happen. Some partners may feel that they’re doing an unfair share of the workload, and others may think they’re not being offered enough of a reward for their talents. Whatever the reason, a partnership dispute can put your business’ progress on hold until you’re all able to come to an appropriate resolution.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Clauses

Some partnership agreements include alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clauses. These clauses basically mean that the parties in dispute will have to attempt other forms of dispute resolution (mediation, or arbitration) before the dispute heads to litigation. These intermediary steps can reduce the amount of time and effort it takes to resolve your dispute, and with a little luck, you won’t have to deal with litigation at all.

An ADR clause lays out your next steps in the event of any partnership disputes. However, there are certain situations that are exempt from an ADR clause, such as a breach of contract. These can range from minor breaches to material breaches of contract, and more serious instances can lead directly to litigation.

Breaches Of Contract

Businesses run on contracts, and if there have been any serious breaches of contract, you may be able to circumvent your alternative dispute resolution clause entirely. Breaches of contract can seriously harm your business, so it’s important to get in touch with a Bergen County partnership dispute lawyer to discuss your next steps. Fortunately, the team at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. is ready to help.

Ready To Get Started? Contact Us Today.

Partnership disputes can get ugly, especially if you don’t have an experienced legal team by your side to walk you through the process. At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., we’re ready to show you the way forward, and we’re ready to use our 40+ years of legal experience to help you get the outcome you deserve. Contact us today to get started, and see how a Bergen County partnership dispute lawyer from our office can help.