New Jersey Divorce Rates Among Nation’s Lowest

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

Wooden Gavel On Petition For DivorceDivorce is an unfortunate fact of 21st century American life. Over the past 60 years, divorce rates skyrocketed in the United States, and research indicates that nearly 50 percent of all marriages today end in permanent separation or divorce.

A recent report compiled by 24/7 Wall St shows that some states are better than others when it comes to long-lasting marriages. According to census data from 2017, New Jersey has one of the country’s lowest divorce rates, as does Hawaii, Illinois and New York.

States with lowest rate of divorce

Divorce rates in the U.S. reached an all-time high in 1979, and according to The National Center for Family & Marriage Research, levels have slowly begun to decline. Experts attribute this wane to the fact that people are waiting longer to tie the knot, and many have college educations and stable jobs before being wed.

Statistics suggest that finances play a major role in divorce rates. New Jersey and other states with low divorce rates have higher median household incomes. Unemployment is another influencing factor.  Nearly half of the states with the highest divorce rates also had unemployment rates that exceeded 4.9 percent (the national average).

Which states are the best places for getting hitched and staying hitched? Here are some of the results:

  • Massachusetts (country’s lowest divorce rate –12.3 per 1,000 married people)
  • Hawaii (second lowest divorce rate – 12.6 per 1,000 married people)
  • New Jersey (third lowest divorce rate – 12.7 per 1,000 married people). Many Garden State residents know how to make a marriage last. NJ has the lowest percentage (6.9 percent) of men aged 15 and older who are divorced.
  • New York (fourth lowest divorce rate –12.8 per 1,000 married people) The median household income of New Yorkers hovers just under $63,000 a year – roughly $5,000 more than the national average. This financial security may play a role in keeping love alive in the Empire State.

States with the highest divorce rates include Arkansas (23.4 per 1,000 married people), Idaho (21.9 per 1,000 married people) and Nevada (21.3 per 1,000 married people) — where some 2,000 quickie Vegas weddings take place every week.

Maintaining a healthy marriage is hard work. Relationships break down for many reasons: infidelity, money troubles, lack of communication or simply two people growing apart. When a marriage can’t be saved, it’s important to align yourself with a competent divorce attorney.

Legal guidance in Bergen County, NJ

The law firm of Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman was established in 1975 to help New Jersey and New York residents in all matters of matrimonial and family law. Our veteran legal team has the resources and expertise to safeguard your rights in divorce proceedings and find the best resolution for delicate issues involving child custody and spousal support.

Our NJ divorce lawyers help clients terminate their marriages as smoothly and efficiently as possible. If you’re ready to explore your legal options with KGG Law, we welcome you to schedule a private consultation today. Call us toll-free at (888) 752-5018 to arrange an appointment at our Bergen County or Rockland County law offices.

Additional Resources on Divorce Rates:

  1. National Center for Marriage and Family Research, Bowling Green State University, Divorce Rate in the U.S.
  2. New York Post, New York has one of the nation’s lowest divorce rates
  3. 24/7 WallSt, States With the Highest Rates of Divorce
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