5 Subtle Signs of Employment Discrimination

5 Subtle Signs of Employment Discrimination

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Family Law Attorney

Employment Discrimination Lawyer

As an employee, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of employment discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination can occur in various forms, and it’s not always easy to spot. Let’s explore five subtle signs indicating possible employment discrimination.


  1. Exclusion from Opportunities

Being excluded from opportunities like being able to advance your career can stem from discrimination. If you find yourself consistently left out of essential meetings, projects, or promotions without any explanation, it could be a sign of discrimination. This type of discrimination can occur because of your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic.


If you suspect that you’re being excluded from opportunities due to discrimination, document the behavior and raise the issue with your supervisor or HR department.


  1. Different Standards

Another subtle form of discrimination is being held to different standards than your colleagues. If you receive lower performance evaluations or feedback than others who are doing the same job and have similar work quality, it may be a sign of discriminatory behavior. Being held to different standards can include being expected to do more work than your co-workers despite receiving the same pay or being in the same position.


This type of discrimination can be challenging to recognize, but if you suspect that you’re being held to different standards, document the behavior, and bring it to the attention of your supervisor or HR department.


  1. Lack of Support

If you’re not receiving the necessary support from your colleagues or supervisor to perform your job duties, it could be a sign of discrimination. For example, if your colleagues are not willing to collaborate with you, or your supervisor is not providing the necessary resources, it could be an indication of discriminatory behavior.


If you suspect that you’re not receiving the necessary support, document the behavior, and speak to your supervisor or HR department. They can investigate the problem and determine if any employment discrimination might be happening.


  1. Negative Comments

If you’re receiving negative comments or microaggressions from your colleagues or supervisor, it could be a subtle form of discrimination. These comments may seem harmless at first, but they can be incredibly damaging to your self-esteem and sense of belonging.


If you suspect that you’re being subjected to negative comments or microaggressions, document the behavior and bring it to the attention of your supervisor or HR department. The right parties can investigate the matter and take action should they find reason to believe there’s discrimination.


  1. Unequal Treatment

Finally, unequal treatment is a clear sign of discrimination in the workplace. If you notice that you’re being treated differently than your colleagues based on your race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic, it’s likely that you’re experiencing discrimination.


Unequal treatment can manifest itself in many ways, including pay disparities, no promotions, and other benefits. If you suspect that you’re being treated unequally, document the behavior and bring it to the attention of your supervisor or HR department.

It’s crucial to recognize the subtle signs of employment discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination can be difficult to spot, but it’s important to document the behavior and bring it to the attention of your supervisor or HR department. Remember, discrimination is illegal, and it’s essential to take action to address it. An employment discrimination lawyer can help intervene—something our friends at Disparti Law Group agree is essential.

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