The Firm, on behalf of class members, has filed a class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey against LG Electronics, Inc. and LG Electronics USA, Inc. The televisions included in the LG Electronics class action include: 32LC2D, 37LC2D, 42LC2D, 42PC3D, 42PC3DV and 50PC3D.
The lawsuit alleges that components of the plasma and LCD televisions decay prematurely, including the wiring boards/circuit boards in the PWBs of LCD TVs and the X- and Y- sustain boards, digital boards and control boards in plasma TVs. Furthermore, voltage overload, thermal fatigue and ripple current can cause circuit chips, diodes, chip capacitors, resistors and surface capacitors to fail.
If you own or owned one of the LCD or plasma televisions listed in this class action and you sustained monetary loss because of premature repairs or the diminution of the television’s resale value, please contact Gary S. Graifman at [email protected], or call (800) 711-5258 (or 201-391-7000), or write to:
Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.
747 Chestnut Ridge Road,
Chestnut Ridge, New York 10977