Workers Compensation Attorneys

Any worker who has been injured on the job should be entitled to pursue a workers compensation claim for medical expenses and lost wages. Barry Kantrowitz leads our personal injury division to assist injured workers in cases involving: scaffolding accidents, construction site accidents, a car accident at work as well as many others. Our experience can help you get the best possible outcome for your case.

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Workers Compensation Lawyers Serving Rockland County and Bergen County

Under the law, you generally cannot pursue a lawsuit against your employer after an accident causes your personal injury on the job. Our Workers Compensation attorneys can assist you with a work-related injury. We will help you determine whether you need to apply solely for workers compensation benefits, or you should also pursue third-party liability claims.

Should I File a Personal Injury Lawsuit or Workers Compensation Claim?

Any worker who has been injured on the job should be entitled to pursue a workers compensation claim for medical expenses and lost wages. What workers may not realize is that a person may also be able to pursue third-party liability claims, or injury lawsuit, when a party other than your employer is responsible for your accident.

Our attorneys are experienced in protecting your New York and New Jersey workers compensation rights by:

  • Acting in a timely manner to get claims admitted by insurance carriers to ensure injured workers will receive benefits
  • Helping injured workers receive benefits in the correct amount
  • Assisting clients in receiving the appropriate, doctor-recommended medical treatments
  • Making sure you receive a fair evaluation of your permanent impairment and that you receive benefits to compensate you for your losses
  • Seeking full financial compensation for your injury

Do I Need a Lawyer After a Construction Site Accident?

Barry Kantrowitz leads our personal injury division to assist injured workers in cases involving: scaffolding accidents, construction site accidents, a car accident at work as well as many others. Our experience can help you get the best possible outcome for your case.

If you were injured on the job, contact Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. today for a free case evaluation from a personal injury attorney. Contact us via the contact form on our website or call us toll free at (800) 711-5258. Our offices are located in Bergen County, NJ and Rockland County, NY.

Workers’ Compensation Hearing Process Explained

When we’re involved in a workers’ compensation hearing, it’s natural to feel a mix of emotions, thankfully Rockland County & Bergen County Workers Compensation Lawyers can help. Knowing what to expect can ease some of the anxiety and help us prepare better for the experience. Let’s walk through the steps of a typical hearing to give us a clear picture of what happens and how we can be ready for it.

Pre-Hearing Preparations

Before the hearing, there are several steps we’ll need to take to ensure we’re fully prepared. Firstly, we need to gather all relevant documents, including medical records, accident reports, and any correspondence with our employer or insurance company. These documents serve as evidence to support our claim, so it’s essential to have them organized and easily accessible.

We’ll also meet with our Rockland County & Bergen County Workers Compensation Lawyers to discuss our case in detail. During this meeting, we will go over the facts, our medical condition, and the impact the injury has had on our ability to work. Our compensation lawyers will help us understand the strengths and potential weaknesses of our case and what kind of questions we might face during the hearing.

Presenting Our Case

During the hearing, both sides will have the opportunity to present their case. As the claimant, we’ll go first. Our attorney will begin by making an opening statement, outlining the details of our injury, the medical treatment we’ve received, and how the injury has affected our work life.

Next, we’ll likely be called to testify. This is a critical part of the hearing where we share our story. We’ll describe the accident, the nature of our injuries, the treatment we’ve undergone, and how our daily lives and work have been impacted. It’s important to be honest and detailed in our testimony. Our attorney will guide us through this process, asking questions to help us clearly explain our situation.

After our testimony, there may be cross-examination by the opposing side’s attorney. This can be a bit challenging, but Rockland County & Bergen County Workers’ Compensation Lawyers will have prepared us for the types of questions we might face. The goal here is to remain calm and consistent in our responses.

Testimony From Medical Experts

In addition to our testimony, medical experts may be called to provide their professional opinion on our condition. These experts will discuss our medical records, the treatment we’ve received, and their assessment of our ability to return to work. Their testimony can be crucial in substantiating our claim.

The Employer’s Defense

Following our case, the employer or their insurance representative will present their side. They may call witnesses, including supervisors or co-workers, to provide their perspective on the incident and our injury. They may also bring in their own medical experts to offer a different opinion on our condition.

The Judge’s Decision

Once both sides have presented their cases, the ALJ will review all the evidence and testimony. This process might take some time, and we might not receive an immediate decision. The ALJ will consider everything presented during the hearing to determine the outcome of our workers’ compensation claim.

Post-Hearing Steps

After the hearing, we will receive the judge’s decision in writing. If the decision is in our favor, it will outline the benefits we are entitled to receive. If the decision is not what we hoped for, we may have the option to appeal.

It’s important to discuss the outcome with our Rockland County & Bergen County Workers’ Compensation Lawyers to understand the implications and the next steps. They will help us navigate any additional legal processes if necessary.

Reach Out For Guidance

Going through a workers’ compensation hearing can be a daunting experience, but remember, we’re not alone. Our legal team at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. is here to support us every step of the way. If you or someone you know is facing a workers’ compensation hearing, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. With decades of legal experience, we’re here to help ensure your rights are protected and to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward resolving your workers’ compensation claim.