Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Claim Evaluation When did you purchase your Note 4 ?*Which carrier model is your Note 4 ?*Did you purchase it new ?* Yes No How much did you purchase it for ?*What Android version is your Note 4 running ?*What was the date that your Note 4 first started to fail ?*Has your phone displayed the "mmc_read failed" error message ?* Yes No If your phone is not displaying the "mmc_read failed" error message, what problems are you experiencing ?*Did you ever root, flash a rom, or otherwise modify your phone ?*What is your Note 4's IMEI number? (You can find it underneath the battery)*What state did you live in when you purchased the phone ?*Name*Home Address*Phone Number*Email Address*Case Types*Please Select *Personal InjuryFamily LawDiscrimination & Employment LawGeneral Litigation & Business mattersClass ActionOtherClass Action*Select Class Action *23andMeAlly BankAmazonApex Clearing BrokerBMW BatteryBMW Timing ChainBroward HealthCash App Security BreachCerebralConiferDodge Hellcat Sales Litig.Durango Demon SalesEnzoEversourceEyeMedGeneracIlluminateBaffert/Kentucky DerbyLexus Evaporator DrainMini Cooper Timing ChainSamsung ChromebookShieldsSubaru RinglandsVW TurboChargeOtherOther Case Type*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ