Title – “Rockland County Injury Lawyer Barry Kantrowitz Does Not Back Down”
Description – “Barry Kantrowitz, a Bergen County injury attorney, does not back down from intimidating corporations or insurance companies. With decades of success and several multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements, the law firm of Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman is an ideal ally for your personal injury case. There is no charge for the first consultation. Transcript: Hello I’m Barry Kantrowitz of the law firm Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman. If you’ve been seriously injured you may be entitled to significant compensation, and the insurance companies will do everything to avoid payment with whatever resources they have. With a 40-year track record of success and thousands of cases including multi-million dollar outcomes, our firm has its own powerful resources to protect you from bullying and intimidation. That’s why in New York and New Jersey at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, we don’t back down. Call for your free consultation. New York: 747 Chestnut Ridge Road Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977 Phone: 845-356-2570 Toll Free: 800-660-7843 Fax: 845-356-4335 New Jersey: 210 Summit Avenue Montvale NJ 07645 Phone: 201-391-7000 Toll Free: 800-660-7843 Fax: 201-307-1086 Website: https://www.kgglaw.com/ ”
Video Transcription:
Hello, I’m Barry Kantrowitz of the law firm Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman. If you’ve been seriously injured, you may be entitled to significant compensation, and the insurance companies will do everything to avoid payment with whatever resources they have. With a 40 year track record of success and thousands of cases, including multi-million dollar outcomes, our firm has its own powerful resources to protect you from bullying and intimidation. That’s why in New York and New Jersey at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, we don’t back down. Call for your free consultation.